Beating depression and anxiety through youth mentoring

Imogen was 14 and suffering from depression and anxiety when she was referred to the mentoring programme at Oasis Hub MediaCityUK.
Her brother has cystic fibrosis and is in and out of hospital causing her constant worry. She also experienced bullying at school. She had low self-esteem and found it hard to focus on her schoolwork.
At first she was very quiet and shy with her mentor but she soon began to open up and talk about her worries. She is now in a much happier place and has increased confidence and self-esteem. As a result her grades have improved.
‘I am grateful for the mentoring project as it has helped me grow in confidence,’ she says, ‘it has made me see things in a new positive way.’
Imogen is now involved in a trampoline club and is training to be Sport and Young Leader in Girl Guiding, none of which she would have dreamed of doing before.